Concept of avoiding unnessesary costs of accomplishment

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(Application for the Russian Architectural Strategy)




Most Russian cities circa 2013 share some common features resurfacing making, raises questions about possible irregularities of invested cash vector.

A certain proportion of the budget spent any settlement is reasonable - it is, for example, the salary of employees, the cost of cleaning the streets, its lighting, etc. This part can be called mandatory costs, because they should take place in all modern cities. But there is another part of the costs - let's call them unnecessary. For examples of the results of such investments across anyone who has seen
at least one city in Russian Federation.

Specific examples are discussed in this paper (there may be others):



1. Painting trees.

2. Painting curbs.

3. Painting of wooden structures.

4. Painting brick walls.

5. Installation of decorative fencing, devoided of any sense of it.




The basic principle is to reduce the costs of such actions and the restructuring of the budget for accomplishment for the greater  efficiency of its use. In considering each will provide examples to follow. Examples are presented to prove that the approach
to the design of the urban environment that is different from the existing one, it is quite possible and viable. The work does not claim to originality, but only attempts to systematize common critique of the Russian settlements.




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Steps to restructure the budget for the accomplishment of the village *
* - The proportion of allocation may not reflect the actual



It should be noted that the first two steps do not require any additional investments - size consumable. Cash remains exactly the same as before the restructuring. Step 3 is desirable, but necessary.



Disclaimer of painting tree


The official reasons for whitewashing of trees - protection from insects and from extreme temperatures. This would be a logical explanation, if not the existence of the mass landings quite healthy, deprived of such care. To compare selected Helsinki, climate and other natural conditions which are comparable with the cities of central Russia.


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Disclaimer of painting curbs


Border in most cities of Russia annually paint. In this case, the waste of resources that could be spent on solving other, more important problems of the urban environment.


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Partial disclaimer of wooden construction painting


In many cases, you can avoid painting the wooden elements of improvement. Beautiful tree grows old, it is nice to the touch and durable enough without painting. Keep in mind that you should not just abandon the painted certain shades of wood - the task of the following examples is to show that the existence of an urban environment untreated wood is possible.


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Partial disclaimer of brick painting


Brick - the material is very durable, noble and additional painting does not need. However, painting is common brick, and quite often color combination of several vulgar. It should be possible to cut the cost of the procedure (as an exception, you can take white).


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Disclaimer of unnecessary fencing


Sometimes fences on public property are meaningless and are unjustifiable burden on the city budget. Costs do not end after the installation - each year it is necessary also notorious painting for corrosion protection. In general, the proposed abandonment of fences, whose installation is inexplicable functionally or aesthetically, or substitution of less costly compromises - columns or a low fence.


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